High Holidays 5783

High Holidays 5783

We are delighted to announce that our services will be led by Rabbi David Russo, Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, Brian Albert, and Harvey Bitterman with special contributions from our congregation.


High Holiday Schedule 5783

Saturday September 17

Sunday September 25

Monday September 26

Tuesday September 27

Wednesday September 28

Friday September 30

Selichot Services

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

10:00 am

Ma’ariv followed by Havdalah and Selichot Programming

8:00 pm Havdalah 8:08 pm

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Latest Candle Lighting

6:53 pm

Rosh Hashanah Day 1

@Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

Rabbi David Russo’s sermon topic:
Life in Transition: the Struggles and the Opportunities

Kid Activity
Sermon (15 min.) 10:30 am Mussaf 11:00 am Service concludes 12:30 pm

Earliest Candle Lighting
7:51 pm

9:30 am 10:25 am 10:30 am

Rosh Hashanah Day 2

@Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

Rabbi David Russo’s sermon topic:
Getting Our Priorities Straight

Family Service: David Gershon Sermon (15 min.) Mussaf

Service concludes Havdalah

9:30 am 10:25 am

10:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm

7:50 pm

Tzom Gedaliah

Fast begins
5:49 am

Fast ends 7:40pm

Tashlich & Shabbat Shuvah*
@Down by the Bay (Bayfront Park)

Family Friendly Kabbalat Shabbat Service 4:45 pm

Candle Lighting
6:44 pm

*This year we will be preforming Tashlich the ‘casting away’ of our sins at the Bayfront Park. We will follow Tashlich with a Down by the Bay Kabbalat Shabbat. Bring your loved ones, picnic blanket, beach chair, and percussion instruments as we welcome in Shabbat with music and singing followed by a picnic Shabbat dinner. Please pack your own meal. We will supply grape juice and challah.

Saturday October 1

Tuesday October 4

Wednesday October 5

Sunday October 9

Monday October 10

Shabbat Services

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit 10:00 am Havdalah 7:42 pm

Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre)

@Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

Rabbi David Russo’s sermon topic:
What a Small Japanese Island Can Teach Us about Community

Kol Nidre 6:30 pm SHARP

*Please make appropriate plans for candle lighting as candles will not be available at services.*

Latest Candle Lighting & Beginning of the Fast

6:37 pm

Yom Kippur Day

@Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre

Rabbi David Russo’s sermon topic:
Yizkor: Write Your Loved Ones a Note

Shacharit Mussaf
Kid Activity Sermon /Yizkor

Shofar & conclusion of the fast

7:35 pm

9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15 am 12:30 am

5:10 pm 6:30 pm

Erev Sukkot

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

FAMILY PROGRAM “Pizza in the Hut”

Come decorate the Sukkah with us! 5:00 pm

Mincha/Maariv 6:20 pm

Sukkot Candle Lighting 6:28 pm

Sukkot Day 1

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit 9:30 am

Earliest Candle Lighting 7:26 pm



Tuesday October 11

Wednesday October 12

Saturday October 15

Sunday October 16

Monday October 17

Tuesday October 18

Sukkot Day 2

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit 9:30 am Havdalah 7:25 pm

First Day of Hebrew School @Beth Jacob Synagogue

4:30 to 6:00 pm

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot
@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit 9:30 am Havdalah 7:18 pm

Hoshana Rabba

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit 9:00 am

Earliest Candle Lighting 6:16 pm

Shemini Atzeret, Erev Simchat Torah
@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit 9:30 am

Yizkor 10:30 am

Mincha/Maariv 7:10 pm Hakafot 7:25 pm

Candle Lighting 7:15 pm

Simchat Torah

@Beth Jacob Synagogue

Shacharit Hakafot


9:30 am 10:00 am

7:13 pm

Save the Date for More Programming from Beth Jacob!

We have lots of exciting programming coming up and we are looking forward to seeing you at these events. Should you have any questions about them or if you’d like help coordinating transportation, please contact the office at office@bethjacobsynagogue.ca or 905-527-4351.
Do you have a fun programming idea? Contact the office to share it with our Programming Committee!

September 21: Apple Picking

November 12: Challah Board Making Workshop

December 23: Chanukah themed Kabbalat Shabbat