June 14, 2020, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Hi, guys!
You know what I’ve been missing? Zoom meetings! No, wait – totally not. I am not nuts about Zoom meetings. But I have been missing our Yak & Snack! Would you like to have one? Over Zoom? How about next Sunday? 10-12?
I hear rumours that if you let me know ahead of time, snacks may be possible. I can’t guarantee anything – but it’s worth a try, right? As Rabbi Zeira used to say, “somehow, God will provide!” (Drove his servants nuts – they thought THEY were doing the providing.)
We’ll discuss how we can take Yak and Snack further. We’ll talk about what we can do about the fact that some of you are growing out of the grade 5-9 initial grouping and new kids are growing into it. We’ll ask – “how can we continue to make Yak and Snack
1. Yours
2. Fun
3. Full of food
4. Spiritual, educational or at least interesting
In other words, Jewish!
Let me know if you’re coming asap and I’ll send you a perfectly nice zoom link! (You know you want to – and you can’t tell me you’re at hockey this time!) My email is annalilliman@gmail.com
Looking forward to seeing you all,
All the best,
Anna L.
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