Girls In Trouble: Hannah

June 8, 2022, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

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We’re delighted to announce that our wildly popular Girls In Trouble program series returns! The Girls in Trouble curriculum was developed by Jewish scholar Alicia Jo Rabins to explore the undertold stories of Biblical women. Through text study, music, and art, these interactive lessons facilitated by Beth Jacob Synagogue and Temple Anshe Sholom volunteers will illuminate the way these timeless struggles relate to our modern lives.
March 30 – Sarah, by Rabbi Cohen
April 11 – Daughters of Tzelofchad, by Cantor Baruch
April 27 – Potiphar’s Wife, by Alan Livingston
May 12 – Serakh bat Asher, by Cindy Richter
May 25 – Yael & Devorah, by Yael Greenberg
June 8 – Hannah, by Laura Wolfson
For more information or to sign up, contact or Cantor Baruch at