September 16, 2019, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Beth Jacob Synagogue
375 Aberdeen Avenue
Hamilton, L8P2R7
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The Birkat Hamazon is very familiar to many. But it is more than just a lively group sing after a meal. In it, we can find ‘the whole philosophy of Judaism’.
Join Alan Livingston in going over the text in Hebrew and English, discussing it’s meaning, and even singing some of its lively melodies.
Alan has a Masters of Education and a degree in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto. As well, he has taken many courses in Jewish studies and Judaism since. Alan has led workshops on finding more meaning in Jewish prayer for many years in the Havura Movement in Canada and the USA.
Cost is $5 or PWYC (pay what you can). Please RSVP to
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