Who Should I Call About…

Who Should I Call About…

To contact our synagogue professionals and the office first dial 905-522-1351 and enter the extension of the desired person (found in the chart below). Alternatively, click on the highlighted names to email them.

Should you have a concern, an idea, or want a response from the Executive Committee, please send an email to exec@bethjacobsynagogue.ca

For help with or questions about…. Contact…
Aufruf Scheduling Office, ext 11
Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Baby Naming and other life cycle events Office, ext 11
Cemetery Dan Levy at 905-815-3262
Changes in Family Record Information Maureen Price, ext 13
Chesed Support Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10
Counselling Office, ext 11
Donations Beth Jacob Office, 905-522-1351
Funerals Dan Levy at 905-815-3262
Honours/Aliyah Philip Price at 905-523-8067
Kiddush Sponsorship Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10
Membership Information Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10
Notification of illness or death Office, ext 11
Dan Levy at 905-815-3262
Payment of Membership Dues/Account Craig Starrs, ext 14
Programming Ideas Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10
Room Rentals Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10
RSVP to Events and Registration for Adult Education Classes Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10
Education and Family Programs Tal-Or Ben-Choreen, ext 10