Our Mission

Our Mission

Beth Jacob Synagogue is dedicated to providing a welcoming and caring community for our members and greater Hamilton. We come together to nourish our spirituality through worship, to increase our understanding through study, to educate ourselves and each other, and to better our world through acts of loving kindness.

We are an inclusive congregation committed to the principles and values of Conservative Judaism and we welcome Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations to observe life cycle events, and pursue our mission through prayer, rituals, learning, music and the other gifts God has given us.  We encourage all members to participate fully in congregational activities, to explore individual and communal growth, and to increase their familiarity with and knowledge of Jewish practice.

Land Acknowledgement

Israeli, 6 Nations and Canadian FlagsAs we, the Jewish People, proudly honour our eternal connection with Israel, our ancestral land and a welcoming home to many peoples and faiths, so do we solemnly respect the nations for whom Canada is their sacred land.

Beth Jacob Synagogue is situated in the territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishnaabeg. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties, is within the lands protected by the “Dish With One Spoon” wampum agreement and is directly adjacent to Haldiman Treaty territory.

Canada has been a site of human activity for over 15,000 years. Today, it is still home to many indigenous people from all across Turtle Island. We recognize, honour and respect these nations as the traditional stewards of this land. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live with them and work in their community, on this territory.