375 Aberdeen Ave., Hamilton, ON L8P 2R7 | 905-522-1351 | office@bethjacobsynagogue.ca

Our Team

Our Team

Rabbi Beni Wajnberg

Spiritual Leader


905-522-1351 X 12

Jo-Anne Brown

Synagogue Manager


905-522-1351 Ext. 10

Maureen Price

Administrative Assistant


905-522-1351 Ext. 13

Craig Starrs



905-522-1351 Ext. 14

Lance Tsuchiya

House Co-ordinator


Paula Jones

Kitchen Manager

Our Elected Leadership

Chairperson:  Lorne Richter
Board of Governors:  Sophie Geffros, Murray Gerson, Dina Honig, Ted Lax, Randy Levinson, Dan Levy, Alan Livingston, Aviva Millstone, Philip Price, Hanna Schayer, and David Walman
Gabbaim: Mel Davine, Alan Livingston, Aviva Millstone (Head Gabbai), Alice Pinheiro Walla, Philip Price, Michael Sherman, and Peter Smurlick 


Adult Programming Committee: Carol Adler, Yael Greenberg-Livingston, Dina Honig (Co-Chair), Alan Livingston, and Maureen Price (Co-Chair) 

Cemetery Committee: Dan Levy

Chesed Committee: Mel Davine, Suki Garson, Sophie Geffros, Lanie Goldberg, Yael Greenberg-Livingston, Helen Metz, Tory Metzger, Sherri Michell, Pauline Morris, Cindy Richter (Chair), Debbie Richter, and Ron Richter

Education/Hebrew School Committee: Sophie Geffros (Chair), Alan Livingston, Hanna Schayer, and Michael Sherman

Finance Committee: David Walman (Chair), Leslie Lasky, Martin Levy, Larry Rosenberg, and Josh Rotstein

Membership Committee: Susan Fainer-Levy, Jerry Goldblatt (Chair), and Randy Levinson

Operations Committee: Ted Lax, Dan Levy, John Levy, Lorne Richter, and David Walman (Chair)

Pulpit & Ritual: Murray Gerson, Joel Goldberg, Ted Lax, Aviva Millstone (Chair), Alice Pinheiro Walla, Philip Price, and Hanna Schayer