April 5, 2020, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Beth Jacob Synagogue
375 Aberdeen Avenue
Hamilton, L8P2R7
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Beth Jacob Book Club
Beginning Sunday February 2, 2020
5 books, once a month, starting February 2020
Time – Sundays 12:00 pm (first Sunday of the month). Please email Shira to RSVP – shira@bethjacobsynagogue.ca
$10 participation fee requested to cover coffee and cookies.
3. April 5 – Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor by Yossi Klein Halevi
(presented by Alan Livingston)
Attempting to break the agonizing impasse between Israelis and Palestinians, the Israeli commentator and award-winning author of Like Dreamers directly addresses his Palestinian neighbors in this taut and provocative book, empathizing with Palestinian suffering and longing for reconciliation as he explores how the conflict looks through Israeli eyes.
Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor is one Israeli’s powerful attempt to reach beyond the wall that separates Israelis and Palestinians. In a series of letters, Yossi Klein Halevi explains what motivated him to leave his native New York in his twenties and move to Israel to participate in the drama of the renewal of a Jewish homeland, which he is committed to see succeed as a morally responsible, democratic state in the Middle East.
This is the first attempt by an Israeli author to directly address his Palestinian neighbors and describe how the conflict appears through Israeli eyes. Halevi untangles the ideological and emotional knot that has defined the conflict for nearly a century. In lyrical, evocative language, he unravels the complex strands of faith, pride, anger and anguish he feels as a Jew living in Israel, using history and personal experience as his guide.
Halevi’s letters speak not only to his Palestinian neighbors, but to all his neighbors in the Middle East. In writing this book he is inviting his neighbors not only to read, but to respond with letters of their own. This is the first step in a project that will enable Palestinians and Israelis, Arabs and Jews to hear each others stories.
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